The Matchbox Stories

Matchbox Girl says Hello!

This blog site is a work of art by a Matchbox Girl, who loves to make stories in mini matchboxes and her venture is named as The Matchbox Stories. To see the matchbox art creations and understand what exactly is it,

What is Matchbox Art??

Matchbox art is an art where I use, Matchbox as a base product and do art on it. It can be Paper art, Painting, using Miniature anything you can think of!!


  • What all Matchbox sizes do I use for this art?
    • I use standard sizes of both small and big matchboxes
  • Do I only use the original paper matchbox?
    •  No I also use MDF material (only in big size matchboxes)
  • How many days does it take for me to make a full product?
    • It totally depends on the scope of work.
  • From where do I take out the concept?
    • I understand the requirement of the clients, their needs, expectations and budget. Then I give time to myself for brainstorming, take inspiration from Pinterest and Behance and then come out with my own concept .
  • How do I explain my concept to client?
    • I draw on paper or at times I take help of Photoshop and explain my concept

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